OGAE Azerbaijan

Go_A will make some Noise 🇺🇦

Last year, due to the pandemic, Eurovision was cancelled. While some countries decided to select new artists, other countries, including Ukraine decided to stick to the same artist, since they did not have opportunity to show themselves in the competition. This year Ukraine selected their Eurovision song internally. Last week UA:PBC announced the jury committee …

New single released by Hazel 🇳🇴

Hazel, who is trying to win Norwegian Melodi Grand Prix with the song “Let Loose” together with Blåsemafian, just released her new single “Lifetime”. We sat down and talked with her about it, her music, her inspiration and of course, about Melodi Grand Prix and Eurovision. Watch her, and the other remaining contestants in MGP, …

Go_A Avroviziyada səs-küy salacaq 🇺🇦

Keçən il Avroviziya baş tutmadığı üçün, bir çox ölkə öz təmsilçisini bu il yenidən iştiraka dəvət etdi. Ukrayna da ölkəni təmsil etmək üçün Go_A qrupu ilə öz yollarına davam etdi. Bu il Ukrayna mahnısını mütəxəssis jüri seçimi ilə seçdi. Jürini təşkil edənlər bunlar idi: Camala – müğənni, 2016-cı il Ukrayna təmsilçisi və qalibiYevhen Filatov – produser, Manaken …

Updated Eurovision plans for May

EBU just issued a press released with the updated plans for how Eurovision will take place in Rotterdam in May. From the previously discussed 4 potential scenarios, Option A (full audience in Rotterdam) has been eliminated, leaving the remaining three options still in play. This means that all current ticket holders will be issued refunds …

Əfəndi üçün 6 mahnı seçildi 🇦🇿

Azərbaycan İctimai Televiziya və Radio Şirkəti (İctimai TV) “Avroviziya-2021” Beynəlxalq Mahnı Müsabiqəsi üçün musiqi qəbulunu başa çatdırıb. Belə ki, müsabiqənin Azərbaycandakı nümayəndə heyətinin rəhbəri İsa Məlikovun bildirdiyinə görə, seçim mərhələsinə yerli və xarici müəlliflərdən 229 kompozisiya təqdim olunmuşdur. İsa Məlikov seçim haqqında bunları deyir: Komandamız hər bir mahnını layiqincə qiymətləndirmək üçün onaların hər birini bir …

6 songs for Efendi chosen 🇦🇿

According to a press release by Azerbaijani public broadcaster ITV, they have finished accepting songs for Eurovision 2021. According to Isa Melikov, the Head of Delegation for Azerbaijan, 229 songs locally and internationally were submitted. He mentioned: Our team listened to each of them several times to acknowledge each song. There were really beautiful compositions …

The deadline for the song submission for Efendi has passed 🇦🇿

Early January, Azerbaijani public broadcaster ITV announced that the search for the song for Efendi was open for submissions until January 19. Though shortly after the original deadline, the broadcaster announced that the song submission deadline was extended until February 1, which has now passed! Efendi was internally selected to represent Azerbaijan in 2020, but …

VOILÀ! It is Barbara Pravi for France 🇫🇷

Yesterday, we witnessed an amazing win for Barbari Pravi. Both jury and the televoters agreed on the artist to represent the country in Rotterdam. How the voting worked? After all the artists had performed their songs, the televoters voted for their favorites. The televoters chose their top 7 favorites: Casanova, Juliette Moraine, Céphaz, Amui, Barbara …

Voila! Barbara Pravi Fransanın seçimidir 🇫🇷

Dünən keçirilən Fransa Avroviziya milli seçimi (Eurovision France, c’est vous qui décidez) jüri və fanların birgə səsi nəticəsində Barbara Pravidə qərar tutdu. Barbara Pravi ölkəsini ‘Voila‘ mahnısı ilə təmsil edəcək. 2020-ci il Fransa ictimai televiziyası Tom Leebi seçsə də, keçən il məlum səbəbə görə Avroviziya baş tutmadı. 2020-ci ilin iyun ayında seçimin yeni müğənni olması …

France will select their representative tonight, and you can vote! 🇫🇷

It was already announced June last year, that Tom Leeb would not represent France in Eurovision 2021, so the search for another representative started. Unlike last year’s internal selection, the French broadcaster decided this year to organize a national selection containing 12 acts, Eurovision France, c’est vous qui décidez! The national selection show is organized …