As the President of OGAE Azerbaijan, I am delighted to welcome You on our website.
Azerbaijan is my motherland and Eurovision is our great passion. I am particularly proud of being the first Azerbaijani who raised our flag in the Eurovision concert hall (back in 2003), who started pulling attention of our state and mass media to the contest and who afterwards was contributing to creation of Eurovision culture in Azerbaijan. And I am equally proud and honoured of my country being so enthusiastic and serious about Eurovision Song Contest having reached all TOP 5 positions within the first 5 years of participation and organising one of the most rememberable and massive Eurosongs in history. The day when we won was one of my happiest days in the lifetime and the time when i worked on Eurovision as an organiser was just like a miracle!
– Fariz Gasimli
President of OGAE Azerbaijan

Dear fans of Eurovision.
Since my early youth I have my passions for Eurovision. By Ell and Nikki’s victory I had my first ever real Eurovision experience and since then I have participated in every Eurovision.
For two years I wrote articles and conducted interviews for Eurovoxx, a Eurovision news platform. In 2017 I became the vice-president of OGAE Azerbaijan. By creating this website we hope to make OGAE Azerbaijan more active and bring more members to the club, who would like to contribute to it.
– Tural Abdulla
Vice-president of OGAE Azerbaijan